3.2 Overview of Use Cases

Fig. 3-1 shows the diagram for the use cases of both sample applications. The applications are designed to support two different user roles: organizer and donor. An organizer is a person who creates charitable donation campaigns and wants to generate a donation form for one or more campaigns. This form will then be accessed by the donor, who can use it to donate money.

Points to understand from the diagram are that the organizer’s main uses of the application are to create new campaigns and to display and edit existing campaigns. The use case Display and edit campaigns exists for this purpose.

When an organizer chooses to display their campaigns, they can edit the donation form for a campaign, display its list of donors, delete a campaign or edit the campaign data. The corresponding four use cases Edit donation form, Display donor list, Delete campaign and Edit campaign extend the previous use case Display and edit campaigns.

For the use cases Edit campaign and Create new campaign, it is necessary for the organizer to be able to edit campaign data. To avoid redundancies, these use cases therefore include the dependent use case Edit campaign data.

Use cases for the sample applications
Fig. 3-1    Use cases for the sample applications “My-Aktion” and “My-Aktion-Monitor”

The use cases Donate money and Display filtered donor list exist for the role of donor. Donate money is carried out when a donor accesses an automatically generated donation form and wants to donate money to a campaign.

Display filtered donor list is the only use case that is implemented by the application “My-Aktion-Monitor” – the other use cases are implemented by the main application, “My-Aktion”. This use case allows the donor to obtain information about donations made to a particular campaign.