Fig. 3-2 is a diagram showing domain classes used. The three independent main classes are organizer, campaign and donation. The first names, surnames, emails and passwords of all organizers supported by the application are stored in the organizer class. The values of these attributes must fulfil the conditions listed in Tab. 3-1. The use cases check these conditions and, if the conditions are not fulfilled, display the corresponding user message. The use case definitions (see section 3.4) will elaborate on this condition checking in detail.
Each organizer is free to create as many campaigns as they wish. The corresponding class, campaign, contains the attributes name, target amount and donation. Additionally, each campaign contains an account into which donation money is received. The conditions for the domain class campaign are detailed in Tab. 3-2.
The total amount of donations that can be received by one campaign is unrestricted. The corresponding donation transactions are stored by the class donation.
Fig. 3-2 Domain classes of the application
This stores the amount of the donation, the name of the donor and whether a donation receipt has been requested. The donor’s account data is also stored for each donation. Finally, each donation contains a transaction status; the two known conditions, either TRANSFERRED or IN_PROGRESS, are defined in the enumeration status. The conditions for the donation class are defined in Tab. 3-3.
The dependent class account exists for the storage of account data. This defines an account using the name of the owner, the name of the bank and the IBAN. The conditions of this dependent class are listed in Tab. 3-4.
Attribute Name | Condition | User Message |
First name | Min. 3 characters and max. 20 characters | The organizer’s first name must be a minimum of 3 characters long and a maximum of 20. |
Surname | Min. 3 characters and max. 30 characters | The organizer’s surname must be a minimum of 3 characters long and a maximum of 20. |
A valid email address | Please enter a valid email address | |
Password | Min. 6 characters and max. 20 characters | Passwords must be a minimum of 3 characters long and a maximum of 20. |
Tab. 3-1 Conditions for the domain class organizer
Attribute Name | Condition | User Message |
Name | Min. 4 characters and max. 30 characters | The name of a campaign must be a minimum of 4 characters long and a maximum of 30. |
Donation | >=1 | The donation must be a minimum of 1 Euro. |
Target amount | >=10 | The target amount for the campaign must be a minimum of 10 Euros. |
Tab. 3-2 Conditions for the domain class campaign
Attribute Name | Condition | User Message |
Donor name | Min. 5 characters and max. 40 characters | The name of a donor must be a minimum of 5 characters long and a maximum of 40. |
Donation | >=1 | The donation must be a minimum of 1 Euro. |
Tab. 3-3 Conditions for the domain class donation
Attribute Name | Condition | User Message |
Name | Min. 5 characters and max. 60 characters | The name of the account holder must be a minimum of 5 letters long and a maximum of 60. |
Name of bank | Min.4 characters and max. 40 characters | The name of a bank must be a minimum of 4 characters long and a maximum of 40. |
IBAN | See user message | An IBAN consists of two letters followed by two digits and 12 to 30 alphanumeric characters. |
Tab. 3-4 Conditions for the domain class account