Who is this book for?
The Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) is a complicated platform for developing enterprise applications that takes years to master.
Not everyone is as lucky as the authors to learn Java at university at a time when just the first version of Java EE was introduced, back in 1999, still called J2EE.
Step by step, we could learn the differences of each version and learn from our own errors.
It’s impossible to transfer this knowledge in barely a day but if you know Java the programming language just well enough and you have a basic understanding of XML and HTML, we’re confident to teach you the following:
- Get familiar with the Java EE programming environment in the cloud.
- Understand the main differences between the technologies (e.g. JSF, CDI, EJB) Java EE consists of.
- Be able to read existing Java EE code and make simple modifications.
After finishing this introduction, you can continue with our second book, the Java EE 7 TurnGeek tutorial, where we cover the different technologies of Java EE 7 in more detail.
Our concept
From our experience, while getting used to a new topic, learners spend a lot of time with setup and configuration. Before writing a single line of code, SDKs, IDEs, application servers and other tools must be installed and configured and, in most cases, a project skeleton must be written.
All these are no fun tasks… Although necessary in the real-world, they don’t transfer any real knowledge about the subject.
Therefore we are using the cloud IDE Codenvy to provide a ready-to-run preconfigured development environment whenever necessary.
At the beginning of each section you just have to click on the provided Codenvy link and a fully configured IDE will be started in a new browser tab, with the right changes already made and containing the programming code needed for the following task.
Learning a new technology never has been easier!