Congratulations! You made it! If you still have problems you can compare your private project with ours. For comparison, you can use the link below to start a temporary workbench containing the project in the final state (after Excercise 11.1).
Well, we have implemented a nice user interface for our My-Campaign web application using JSF. If you you want to deep dive into JSF, here you will find some current textbooks about the technology:
- Anghel Leonard, 2014. Mastering JavaServer Faces 2.2. Edition. Packt Publishing – ebooks Account
- Deepak Vohra, 2014. JavaServer Faces 2.0: Essential Guide for Developers. 1 Edition. Cengage Learning PTR.
- Hazem Saleh, 2013. Pro JSF and HTML5: Building Rich Internet Components (Expert’s Voice in Java). 2 Edition. Apress.
The sample application My-Campaign is still incomplete. In order to complete the web application, we have to go further and have to deal with more Java technologies like CDI, JPA, EJB and Jax-RS. If you want to continue this way, we recommend to check-out our next Cloud-Tutorial CDI in a Day. We hope you’ll join us!
Turn Geek!